Gene signatures that identify neoplasia at a molecular level
Clifton Life Sciences researchers have identified and validated gene markers for breast, colon, lung pancreatic, prostate and neuroendocrine cancers from non-invasive peripheral blood (venous and fingerprick) samples.

Scientific strategy
The scientific strategy of CLS is the development of a series of gene signatures that identify the disease state of the cancer – the level of progression – and provide information that can be used both for early diagnosis or determining the efficacy of therapy. A key component of the strategy is the development of specific biomathematical algorithms to identify clusters of genes that provide unique information regarding tumor cell proliferation and metastatic potential. These strategies have facilitated the first identification of circulating neuroendocrine and other tumor cells as well as defined the specific transcript signatures of the cells that identify disease undetectable by current standard of care methodology. These can also be used to delineate the rate of growth, the likelihood of metastasis and sensitivity to specific targeted therapy.
Developing molecular tools for cancer detection and therapy
The lifetime risk of developing or dying from cancer is significant. For men, there is a 40% chance of developing cancer and they have a 1 in 5 chance of dying from the disease. For women, there is a 39% chance and a 1 in 5 risk of death.
For all cancers, detection at an early stages significantly improves survival.
Current diagnostic tools include imaging like CT, MRI or functional imaging that require complex facilities, radiation exposure and often cannot determine disease. Other approaches include endoscopic evaluation e.g. colonoscopy or ERCP that are invasive, expensive and require special clinical facilities and staff as well as sedation and even anesthesia.
There is growing expectation that a new generation of tests, both for screening as well as a measure of treatment response, will be based on molecular biomarkers present in blood. Sampling an easily accessible body compartment such as the blood (venous or fingerprick) provides a significant advance in identifying disease early and monitoring it with maximum comfort and efficacy for patients.
Clifton Life Science researchers have identified and validated gene markers for breast, colon, lung, pancreatic, prostate and neuroendocrine cancer as well as melanoma and myeloma. These can be utilized for assessment and disease detection from non-invasive peripheral blood samples.
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